Download Firefox 6 Aurora

June 2, 2011

Firefox 6 is already on the start position so anyone who wants to try the firefox of the future, should download the preliminary version of Aurora first. Its not a secret anymore that Mozilla pushes for a quicker release schedule for the next browser versions of Firefox after having taken extremely long development time for Firefox 4. Therefore, it was now already the second preview-release of Firefox 6, that has been released so far.

Firefox 6
According to the schedule, the final version of Firefox 5 will be released firstly on 21st June 2011 for download, hence, you should not expect too much good news for the time being.


Keep Your Password Secure

June 2, 2011

The web and  the methods of collecting personal information have evolved side by side. A very large number of websites require visitors to register to acquire access or participate. While the need for registration is understandable, tracking user names and passwords can be burdensome. Consider using software to store your passwords, in a safe accessible manner.

passowrd security
Most websites have privacy policies, but the value of privacy statements are only as honorable as the people behind the websites. Here are suggestions for keeping passwords and your information secure:

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How to put a password on a folder

June 2, 2011

This is a video on how to put a password on a folder. Different types of files, such as tax-information, bank statements, expenses, diaries, photos and other private information may be prevented from being accessed by other people/strangers when it is password protected. watch this video below to password protect your important folders.

Facebook and Bing: Chromeo

June 2, 2011

You’ve always trusted your friends when it comes to discovering new music, what to do when those tough decisions roll around, and even what shirt to wear for the big show on Friday. Now let them help you make decisions when it comes to search, too. Bing Social Search makes it easy to decide by suggesting the things your Facebook friends like.

CA Anti-Virus Plus Anti-Spyware 2011 with 6 Months Free License – Download

June 2, 2011

Today we want to introduce a promo offer by CA Technology who are giving CA antivirus plus anti-spyware software free for download with 6 months license whereas product worth $50 for 1 year license.

CA Antivirus, Free Spyware, Anti virus, Software, 6 Months, Free, License Read the rest of this entry »

How to find your lost iPhone, iPad or iPod

June 2, 2011

The moment you find out that your phone or tablet has been lost or stolen, you’ll notice a slow, sinking feeling. That’s because there’s not much you can do about it. The police will wash their hands off the matter, and recovery rates for mobile devices and laptops are abysmal. The thing to do then, is to take matters into your own hands – which is really easy if you have an iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch (4th generation version only).

iPhone, iPad, Itunes,lost, locate

Obviously, you need to do this simple step while you still have your device, so get cracking! First, make sure your device is running the latest software by connecting it to iTunes and checking for an update.

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HTC phones mysteriously running 10 mins fast

June 2, 2011

Has the Taiwanese firm perfected time travel?

The HTC has acknowledged this problem:

“It has come to our attention that certain HTC handsets appear to be showing the wrong time, we’d like to reassure you that we are currently working to rectify this and will have an update for you shortly.

htc flyer, mobile phone, 1.5 Ghz, htc, Android

“We apologise for any inconvenience this may be causing.”

Here’s an odd one for Friday – it seems HTC phones on Android have started running 10 minutes fast over the last 24 hours.

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Download Windows 8 Transformation Pack

June 2, 2011

windows 8

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