Test Your IPv6 Connectivity

June 8, 2011

You may have seen an increasing number of articles about IPv6 in the past year. IPv6 is an Internet Protocol that has been designed as the successor of the currently used IPv4 protocol. IPv4 has been in use since the 80s and it is quickly coming to its limits. The main problem with it is that IPv4 runs out of available IP address space as its limit is around 4 billion IP addresses which servers, ISPs, Internet users, devices and websites have to share.

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Norton says Android security threats are only going to get worse

June 8, 2011



The truth is that security threats to Android are in Norton’s best interest. After all, they recently released an anti-virus solution for the Android operating system, so spreading fear will help their bottom line. But that doesn’t mean they don’t have some good points.

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MoD faces 1,000 cyber attacks per year

June 8, 2011

The Ministry of Defence blocked and investigated over 1,000 cyber attacks in 2010, according to Defence Secretary Liam Fox.

Speaking at the London Chambers of Commerce defence industry dinner, Fox said that the UK was at war with an “invisible enemy” in cyberspace and that the number of security incidents had more than doubled between 2009 and 2010.


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