Patch Day for June 2011: Microsoft Announces Security Updates

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From the 14th June 2011 Microsoft offers  software updates via the automatic update feature. Among the affected programs is the latest Internet Explorer 9.

windows updates june2011

Microsoft released 16 security bulletins on Patch Tuesday this month. Patch Tuesday refers to the second Tuesday of each month at the Microsoft security patch will release. This month’s Patch Tuesday is composed of many different patches. Nine of the 16 bulletins have a maximum severity of Critical, the highest possible rating, while the remaining seven bulletins a rating of importance.

Maximum means that at least one operating system or application that rating obtained. It happens that all programs receive the same rating, but it is often not the case. If you are affected software programs, you will notice that the majority of the bulletins to resolve issues on Microsoft Windows. Other Microsoft software affected includes Microsoft Internet Explorer, Microsoft Office or Microsoft. Net Framework.

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