Sega is hacked: Over 1.29 Million Users Personal Information Stolen

Hackers have stolen personal information belonging to 1.3million Sega customers, the video game developer has confirmed.

sega-logoNames, dates of birth, email  addresses and passwords for users of the company’s online network, Sega Pass, had been compromised, which forced the service to be shut down.

In an email to customers, Sega said it had acted to protect data and isolate the location of Thursday’s breach.

‘We have launched an investigation into the extent of the breach in our public systems,’ it added.

The Sonic the Hedgehog developer said it had reset all passwords and asked customers to change their log-in details on other sites where they used the same information.

It was unclear when Sega Pass, would restart.

‘We are deeply sorry for causing trouble to our  customers. We want to work on strengthening security,’ spokesman Yoko Nagasawa said.

No one has claimed responsibility for the attack.

Hacker group Lulz Security, which has been involved in a number of recent attacks, denied being behind the breach and offered to track down the culprits.

‘Sega – contact us. We want to help you destroy the hackers that attacked you. We love the Dreamcast, these people are going down,’ the group tweeted.

Nintendo and Sony have also been the victims of breaches in recent months.

Details of more than 100million Sony online gamers were stolen in an attack on the PlayStation Network earlier this year.

Nintendo was hacked by Lulz but no valuable information was taken.

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