Firefox 5 Set Free and Ready to Download

Firefox 5 Web Browser
Firefox 5 is finally there earlier as actually planned with development duration of only 3 months, now freshly printed from the digital presses for Mac OS X, Linux, Windows, and Android. Nearly 1000 Bugs have been removed and the new version is said to include over 1000 improvements and

performance enhancements, with better HTML5, support for CSS animations, better tab handling, bug fixes, and more, but there’s nothing visibly different from 4.0 when you first launch the app.


5 Reasons you should switch over to Firefox 5:

  1. Trouble-Free Updates
  2. More Modren Web Techniques
  3. Very Quick Java-Script Engine
  4. Detailed Optimizations
  5. Add-ons continue to work to 99 percent

If you already use Firefox 4, you can update to 5 directly through the “About” menu and apply the update, otherwise Click here to go directly to to download the latest version.

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