Google Swiffy: Converts Flash to HTML 5

Flash to html 5 converter

Google has released a new tool that converts SWF Files into HTML5 and SVG. Swiffy is designed primarily to display Flash advertisements on the devices that have no Flash Support.

It is still the beginning of the swiffy development, but even now the banner Ads can be converted into HTML 5 with this google Flash tool “Swiffy”.

You may visit and upload your SWF-Files and easily and get them  converted to HTML 5 with this swiffy tool. However,  Comlete flash functions are not yet supported here but at the moment only selected SWF files can be converted to HTML 5.

according to google sources:

“You can upload a SWF file, and Swiffy will produce an HTML5 version which will run in modern browsers with a high level of SVG support such as Chrome and Safari. It’s still an early version, so it won’t convert all Flash content, but it already works well on ads and animations.2”

How swiffy works:

Html 5-Animations created by Swiffy using SVG and a compact JSON representation of the animation, which is then rendered with HTML5 and CSS3 to SVG. Actionscript 2.0 is embedded in the JSON-data and interpreted directly in the browser using Javascript.

Swiffy files are 10 percent larger in the size as the original SWF Files.

Click here to see some examples direct from google swiffy.

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