Ready to Download: Microsoft Released Office 2010 Service Pack 1

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As promised Microsoft on Tuesday released the very first service pack for Office 2010. This package includes all previously releaseed updates  from the famous Redmond Offic Solutions.

The download is available righ now unde the following links at the end of this post. Microsoft had actually confirmed in the past that it is aiming for the end of June 2011 as a deadline for the Office 2010 SP1. Now this promise is fulfilled.

The first Service Pak for Office 2010 comes with no extraordinary improvements. Instead the developers have primarily focued on the coreection of minor errors so the microsoft ffice will be running with more stability in the future.

Beside this many security updates have been integrated in this package, so that after the new installation there will be no need to download the neccessary updates separately. This Office 2010 SP 1 includes improved security, performance, and stability. Additionally, the SP is a roll-up of all previously released updates. This is a complete all in one package.

Here are the links to download :

Download Office 2010 SP 1 32-bit

Download Office 2010 SP 1 64-bit

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