Support for Vista SP1 and XP ends

July 14, 2011


Microsoft has now discontinued support for Windows XP  Service Pack 2 and Windows Vista with Service Pack 1. Extended support for Windows XP ends on 8 April 2014. Microsoft says the affected users should upgrade to the Microsoft Windows 7

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The world’s first solar powered netbook

July 2, 2011

Samsung Solar Notebook2 Hours of charging in The Sun provides 1 hour of energy to work

Samsung has introduced in the Russian market netbook NC215S, equipped with 10.1-inch display SuperBright LED Anti-Glare. The main feature of novelty – the built-in solar panel, a decision was allegedly used in netbooks for the first time in the world.

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YouTube adds 48 hours of Video per Minute

July 1, 2011

youtube-logoAt the end of last year, YouTube announced that a whopping 35 hours of video footage were being added to the site per minute.That’s five years and nine months of video playback added per day.  And if that seems like a lot, the site announced Wednesday that it was receiving 48 hours of video per minute.

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Google Swiffy: Converts Flash to HTML 5

June 29, 2011

Flash to html 5 converter

Google has released a new tool that converts SWF Files into HTML5 and SVG. Swiffy is designed primarily to display Flash advertisements on the devices that have no Flash Support.

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LED vs. LCD vs. Plasma TV . Which one is Right & The best for me?

June 22, 2011

The TV industry has nowadays been split up into the LCD vs. Plasma enthusiasts with arguments on both sides. Although each technology has its downsides and strong points one can see that when targeting a certain environment a particular TV technology is best suited.

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Apple Releases New iPad 2, Watch it now

June 19, 2011

Apple just posted this new television ad for the iPad 2 on Apple’s iPad page and YouTube channel. The ad illustrates life is different “now” that we have the iPad 2. The ad shows off the Wall Street Journal, Spin magazine, The King’s Speech, FaceTime, iTunes U, the iBookstore, and Star Walk.

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Amazing Big UFO descends from the cloud in Courcelles

June 14, 2011

An important UFO event has taken place yet again in Russia, receiving massive media attention in that nation while being blacked out by the international UFO cover-up in the West.

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That Microsoft Update is Virus

June 11, 2011


Security company Sophos has warned users against a fake anti-virus attack that masquerades as Microsoft Update.

According to Sophos, criminals are looking for increasingly convincible ways to persuade consumers to download fake antivirus and copying Microsoft’s own security seems to be their latest trap.

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E3 2011: I Will Be a Skyrim Widow

June 10, 2011

I’m married to a collector. Things he has collected include every issue of Architectural Record from the past 12 years, cool-looking chairs that were stacked up in our storage unit, and a two-inch-thick batch of stats printouts from when he played Earl Weaver Baseball in junior high.


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MoD faces 1,000 cyber attacks per year

June 8, 2011

The Ministry of Defence blocked and investigated over 1,000 cyber attacks in 2010, according to Defence Secretary Liam Fox.

Speaking at the London Chambers of Commerce defence industry dinner, Fox said that the UK was at war with an “invisible enemy” in cyberspace and that the number of security incidents had more than doubled between 2009 and 2010.


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Acer Notebooks at Special Discount Prices

June 3, 2011

Acer is currently struggling to solve some problems which may well prove to be profitable for customers. Taiwanese manufacturer wants to sell 3 million notebooks in Europe at drastically reduced price to deplete its already high stock levels.

acer-aconia notebook

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Gmail Gives Power to the People Widget

May 28, 2011

Google  has introduced a new tool to the social  networking world using one of its strong suits: Gmail.
In the next couple weeks, Google will debut a feature for Gmail called the “People Widget.” The widget will appear to the right of messages and display information about contacts, including recent messages, shared documents, calendar events, statuses and, perhaps most striking, photos. Users can use widgets to schedule group meetings and online chats.

The widget will be rolled out in the next two weeks.

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Incredibly Talented Pilot Uses Helicopter To Shave & Open Bottles

May 21, 2011

He is probably the most skilled Siberian pilot and very bored with conventional forms of flight, now he is breaking some interesting new barriers in aviation with a series of cool tricks. His first stunt was relatively risk free – uncorking a lemonade on-the-fly, boasting that the strong winds added some much needed challenge.

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