Patch Day for June 2011: Microsoft Announces Security Updates

June 19, 2011

windows logo
From the 14th June 2011 Microsoft offers  software updates via the automatic update feature. Among the affected programs is the latest Internet Explorer 9.

windows updates june2011

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Microsoft Suggests Windows 8 release date

June 19, 2011

Windows 8

Dan’l Lewin the corporate vice president for strategic and emerging business development at Microsoft today hinted when speaking at the start-up LAUNCH event at the Microsoft Silicon Valley campus that Windows 8 would be released in Autumn 2012 .

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Kinect for Windows SDK Beta is Available Now

June 17, 2011


has released Software Developers Kit (SDK) of Kinect for Windows. This release not only works for games developers for the Xbox 360, but also allows developers to access the features of the sensor through Windows 7.

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How To Unlock Windows 8 Hidden Features?

June 3, 2011

Recent leak of Windows 8 revealed many interesting features of Windows 8 such as Aero Auto-colorization and Taskbar User Picture but there are many hidden feature that come with the leaked version of Windows 8. Few techie folks designed a tool named Windows 8 Tweaker that going to help us to unlock hidden treasures of Windows 8 build 7850 with a single click.

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Download Windows 8 Transformation Pack

June 2, 2011

windows 8

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