Ready to Download: 360 Web Browser Lite for iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad

July 11, 2011

360 web browser lite

The new updated version 3.0.1 of  360 Web Browser Lite for iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad is released by Digital Poke and openly available free for download

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HTC Glamor: The first Android Smartphone for women

June 27, 2011

HTC_Glamour phone for womenEveryone has already been hearing the a lot of rumors about the design of HTC Glamor. HTC Glamor is actually a smartphone designed and intended for women who rarely use smartphones.

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Mac OS X 10.6.8 Ready to Download

June 23, 2011

Mac-OS-X-10.6.8-Snow-LeopardApple on Thursday released Mac OS X 10.6.8 which is ready for download through software update from the Apple Menu at the top left of your Mac screen or via direct download links below.

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How to find your lost iPhone, iPad or iPod

June 2, 2011

The moment you find out that your phone or tablet has been lost or stolen, you’ll notice a slow, sinking feeling. That’s because there’s not much you can do about it. The police will wash their hands off the matter, and recovery rates for mobile devices and laptops are abysmal. The thing to do then, is to take matters into your own hands – which is really easy if you have an iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch (4th generation version only).

iPhone, iPad, Itunes,lost, locate

Obviously, you need to do this simple step while you still have your device, so get cracking! First, make sure your device is running the latest software by connecting it to iTunes and checking for an update.

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