TinyUmbrella Updated Version to Support iOS 5.0 Beta 3

July 13, 2011


TinyUmbrela, the program that saves the SHSH-Data of your IOS device has been updated and is now in the position to stor/save the SHSH of the third iOS 5.0 .

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Ready to download: New Released Redsn0w 0.9.8 b2 Jailbreak for iOS 5 Beta 3

July 13, 2011

redsn0w for ios5The Redsn0w 0.9.8 beta 2 has recently been released by the iPhone Dev Team to fix the ongoing issues with running App Store apps after jailbreaking iOS 5 beta 3 with the last version of Redsn0w.

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Download UISettings First iOS 5 Notification Widget

June 13, 2011


UISettings is the first iOS 5 Notification widget that facilitates to toggle OFF/ON Respring, Wi-Fi, Airplane, Bluetooth, and allows to power off, reboot your device.

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Apple iCloud : The Data Storage Of The Future

June 6, 2011

apple iCloud
Apple has introduced iCloud, a breakthrough set of free new cloud services that work seamlessly with applications on your iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, Mac or PC to automatically and wirelessly store your content in iCloud and automatically and wirelessly push it to all your devices. When anything changes on one of your devices, all of your devices are wirelessly updated almost instantly.
